You’ve got a stunning block paved driveway or patio but those pesky weeds just won’t relent. I feel your pain; weeds are the bane of everyone’s life but when the roots are underneath blocks, it can be more of a challenge to tackle.
But it’s far from impossible! There are several ways you can eradicate those weeds for good. In this guide we’ll give you some easy ways to get rid of weeds in block paving as well as showing you how to prevent them coming back.

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Best Ways Of Getting Rid Of Weeds In Block Paving
Weeds are a common problem in a lot of areas and block paving can be particularly affected. You might find things like daisies and dandelions but for the most part, these weeds are easy to deal with. Here are some great ways to tackle them once and for all!
Pull Them Out By Hand
One of the best ways to ensure that you have completely removed a weed is to pull it by hand. You’ll need to make sure that you get it right from the root and honestly, this is my favourite way because it’s incredibly satisfying!
That said, you have to keep in mind that this is one of the most laborious and time consuming methods on this list but it’s often worth it for how effective it is.
It’s important to keep yourself comfortable when weeding like this so wear appropriate gloves, get a knee pad and take regular breaks. It’s also worth waiting until there’s a bit of rainfall as the soil will be moist making the weeds easier to remove and reducing the work you have to do. If it’s the height of summer and things are forecast to be dry for a while then you can just as easily hose down the area.
Boiling Water
If you want an easy and natural method of getting rid of weeds in your block paving then you might consider using plain old boiling water. Yes, it might seem simple but it’s surprisingly effective. Not only will the high temperature of the water kill the weeds but it’ll also prevent any seeds from germinating.
Make sure to fully cover all weeds with boiling water and of course, be careful when doing this that you don’t scald yourself.
To make sure that you don’t have future problems, it’s worth continuing this treatment regularly. When you boil your kettle, just take any leftover water outside and tip it on problem areas. You’ll be helping to combat the weeds and preventing wasting water.
White Vinegar And Soap
One of the most favoured ways of getting rid of weeds in block paving is to use vinegar, specifically white vinegar. What’s great about this is that you can buy it pretty much anywhere and it won’t break the bank. Unlike weed killers, vinegar isn’t full of harmful chemicals since it is a byproduct of fermentation.
When you add white vinegar to the weeds, it will deprive them of moisture, drying them out incredibly quickly. It works very well on young weeds but if the weeds are more established you may need to use something more highly concentrated.
Where there are only a few weeds to contend with, you can simply pour some vinegar directly out of the bottle. That said, for highly concentrated vinegars, we would suggest diluting it first.
If you want things to be super effective then you can try mixing a couple of spoons of washing up liquid into the vinegar and spraying the solution onto the weeds. The addition of the washing up liquid will cause the vinegar to stick better onto the weeds, increasing its effect.
Whichever method you choose, it’s a good idea to perform the vinegar trick on a warm, dry day. This will speed up the drying process and if it rains, you’ll want to make sure you do another round of treatment.
Why Not Try Salt?
First vinegar, now salt…no, we’re not having a chippy tea but this is another great way to treat those annoying weeds in your block paving!
Much like vinegar, salt will dry out the weeds of that all important moisture that they need to thrive. It’ll naturally absorb water and applying salt to the weeds is incredibly simple.
You’ll want to mix some baking soda, which contains high sodium levels, ideal for depriving the weeds of water, with water. Yes, that may seem counterproductive but bear with us. Using a funnel, direct the mixture onto the weeds and allow it to work its magic.
Do be mindful that the solution could be irritating to skin and eyes so wear appropriate protection when trying this method. Also make sure that you only get the mixture onto things you want to kill. If it gets anywhere near your prized perennials, it’ll see to it that they die off as well.
Should I Use Bleach To Get Rid Of Weeds In Block Paving?
There is a lot of suggestion that bleach is a viable way of killing weeds in block paving. Yes, this will work as bleach is incredibly powerful and certainly not conducive to life meaning it’ll eradicate the weeds very easily.
However, since bleach is known to discolour things, this means that it could alter the colour of your block paving. This is especially true if you keep returning to this method. For this reason, we would only suggest using bleach if there really is no other way.
Moreover, make sure that the bleach is well diluted. Typically, you’ll only need one part bleach for every five parts water. You should brush the solution into the block paving joints and leave it for around 15 minutes. Once this time has elapsed, make sure to thoroughly rinse the area to remove all traces of bleach.
If you’re really keen to use a method that involves using things from around the house, then baking soda is your best bet. You can use the method we discussed earlier but it’s also possible to simply sprinkle it on. But you will need to retreat the area around every six weeks.
Can I Use A Pressure Washer To Get Rid Of Weeds In Block Paving?
We have seen a lot of advice online telling people to pressure wash the block paving joint to remove weeds. Now, we won’t mess around here, the high pressure will blast away weeds and leave you with a neat and tidy area.
However, we wouldn’t recommend doing this as you’ll also wash away any jointing sand which is there to hold the block paving together and keep things stable. If you absolutely must pressure wash your block paving to remove weeds, you may need to sweep in some new sand to avoid messing with the structure of the paved area.
How To Prevent Weeds In Block Paving
Once you have dealt with those annoying weeds, you aren’t going to want them to come back again. Regularly repeating treatments on problem areas could slow or prevent the growth of weeds but there are some other things you can do to stop weeds in their tracks.
- Seal your driveway. If weeds are a big problem then applying a paver sealer should help to lessen this. The sealer will stop the weeds from settling into the joints and any cracks on the blocks. Moreover, applying sealer will protect your driveway and help to expand its lifespan.
- Brush the driveway. You’ll need to regularly sweep your driveway in the battle against weeds. This is because the brush will disturb any weeds before they can settle. If possible, give your driveway a once over with the broom every couple of days.
- Keep things clean. As well as regularly brushing the driveway, you’ll want to make sure it’s kept clean. Using warm soapy water, you’ll wash away any seeds or unestablished weeds. Just remember to avoid intense cleaning methods like a pressure washer.
- If all else fails then you may have to admit defeat and turn to a chemical weed killer. This isn’t something that many people like to do but there are a lot of products out there that are highly effective in keeping weeds at bay in block paving.
Weeds can be an extreme problem on block paving and once they start popping up, they can totally ruin the look of the area. While there are weed killers available, not everyone wants to use these because of the chemicals and their impact on the environment.
Fortunately, there are lots of things you can do to get rid of weeds in block paving using things you have at home. Pulling weeds by hand is one of the most effective methods but you can also use things like vinegar, salt and even boiling water.
When you have tackled your weed problem, be sure to take good care of your block paving by regularly sweeping and cleaning it as this will help to prevent weeds in the future.