Polymeric Sand vs Regular Sand – What’s The Difference?

Laying pavers can create a stunning outdoor area like a driveway, path or patio. But if you want the structure to be strong then it’s essential that you put sand in the joints. This makes everything much more stable and secure.  But there are a lot of different types of …

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What is the Cheapest House Siding Material?

When it comes to installing new siding on your home, you want to find something inexpensive, which is understandable, especially considering the fact that the costs for home improvement/renovation materials are skyrocketing. However, you don’t want a dose of ineffective to go along with it.  When it comes to affordable …

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Choosing Grass Paving For Your Driveway

With the increasing focus on ecology and green issues, even the humble domestic drive has been singled out for attack. Studies have shown that paving over such a large proportion of urban front gardens is causing problems with flooding, as well as destroying habitats for insects, birds and other small …

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Cellular Paving Systems for Your Driveway

If you want to pave a drive but still allow grass to be grown, to help to reduce flooding problems and the loss of microclimates for insects and other invertebrates, cellular paving systems such as grasscrete are a great solution. They are also relatively easy to lay and prices are …

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Constructing a Temporary Driveway

You may find from time to time that you need to construct a temporary driveway. This could be because you are starting a building project and you want to protect what you can of your lawn while diggers, dumper trucks and the like make their way over it. Or it …

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Tactile Driveway Surfaces

Tactile paving is the name for the special paving with raised textures. You may have seen them at road crossings where there are paving slabs with raised ‘blisters’ intended to be felt, through the shoes, by people who are unable to see the crossing point. They are also used in …

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Creative Ideas for Your Driveway

For many years, it was your front garden that allowed you to add a bit of panache and style to the appearance of your property. But with the need to Turn A Garden Into A Driveway to accommodate additional cars, many people are now using their creative ideas in order …

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Resin Bound Driveway Surfacing

Resin bound surfaces for driveways are a relatively new product on the UK market. They aren’t used domestically a great deal because they are fairly expensive and not that well known. But resin bound surfaces are very flexible, particular in terms of colour, and can be laid on top of …

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What Counts as a Permeable Driveway Surface? Is Tarmac Permeable

Many people are aware that the regulations in England for paving over front gardens for driveways have changed to persuade people to put in permeable driveway surfaces. The other countries in the UK have separate arrangements but are likely to follow suit. Permeable surfaces are defined as being permeable to …

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Ecological Driveway Materials

Much has been made of the ecological impact of driveways and newer, more ecologically sound materials that are coming on the market. Focus has also been brought to bear on driveways in front gardens and their impact on raising temperatures and worsening floods in urban areas. This is covered in …

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Driveway Expert