Where I live, there is a lot of traffic and my driveway is at the back of the property which is a bit of a pain to access. So, myself and other neighbours will often park on the street at the front of the property but recently, I discovered that what I was doing isn’t in line with the law.
We’re all guilty of parking across dropped kerbs and where I live, the entire thing is dropped in front of three properties that don’t even have a front driveway. With a shop next to the houses, there are always cars coming and going, and most of them park along this dropped kerb. But what are the UK laws for parking on a dropped kerb?
Quite simply, it is illegal to park along a dropped kerb because you are causing an obstruction to the public footway. If you do park on a dropped kerb, you could receive a fine of £90.
It’s probably not worth the risk if you want to save your bank account from driving fines. Moreover, when you understand the reason for dropped kerbs, it becomes more of a moral issue than just something that’s a little inconvenient to you when you can’t find a parking space. Let’s take a look at this in a little more detail.

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What Is A Dropped Kerb For?
There are two main reasons for a dropped kerb. The first is usually outside a property with a driveway in which case, the kerb will have been dropped to allow easier and safer access for vehicles.
The second reason for a dropped kerb, particularly in areas where there are no adjacent properties is to allow wheelchair users easier access to the footway. These dropped kerbs can appeal anywhere including on the corners of a road.
So, What Are The Laws Around Parking On A Dropped Kerb?
The last thing that any of us wants is to land a fine for parking on a dropped kerb. In the most simple terms, you’re not allowed to park on a dropped kerb unless stationary traffic gives you no other choice. This is in line with rule number 243 of the Highway Code.
Even if you aren’t creating a full obstruction, you can still receive a fine so it’s best to look for somewhere else to park.
What Happens If I Park On A Dropped Kerb?
Let’s face it, most of us have parked on dropped kerbs before. In fact, it’s something that many drivers do all the time, especially if they’re ‘just popping in’ somewhere very quickly. But is it really worth this risk?
As we have mentioned, some dropped kerbs are in place to help wheelchair users or people with pushchairs to more easily get on and off the path. Most of us would agree that we wouldn’t want to make life any more difficult for these people so would avoid parking on a dropped kerb.
But moral issues aside, it’s not worth the risk if you end up with a PCN. What is a PCN, I hear you cry. This is a Penalty Charge Notice which can incur a fine of up to £90.
Whether or not you receive a PCN is very much down to whether you’re caught parking on the dropped kerb. In some cases, a passing police officer may enforce the law but it’s also possible for locals to complain to the council. They will then assess the severity of the obstruction and decide whether to issue a PCN.
Can I Park On A Dropped Kerb Outside My Own Property?
It’s hard to believe that there would be restrictions on whether you can park outside your own property on a dropped kerb. After all, the only person you’re going to be obstructing is yourself, isn’t it?
That may appear to be the case but you have to keep in mind that emergency vehicles may also need to use the dropped kerb when accessing yours or a neighbour’s property. Moreover, there may be times when they need to use your dropped kerb to turn around in an emergency and if your vehicle is parked there, they won’t be able to.
You should also be mindful of leaving a vehicle on a dropped kerb outside your property for too long. If it remains there, untaxed, for over a month then the council is within its right to remove the vehicle.
What Happens If Someone Parks Over My Dropped Kerb?
Let’s imagine you’re on the other side of things for a moment and some audacious person has parked their car right over the front of your property on the dropped kerb, blocking your access. What are your rights here and what can you do to enforce the law?
If you know the person whose car is parked on the dropped kerb, for example, if they are a neighbour, the best thing to do is to ask them to move it. Remain polite and if things begin to escalate, walk away and start the process of complaining to your local council.
The council is in a position to quickly issue a fine for the parking offence and the likelihood of this will be much higher if the vehicle is fully obstructing the pathway.
In some cases, very confident people might even park on your driveway. Surprisingly, there isn’t a lot you can do about this. While you can complain to the police who could issue penalties for trespassing, you would need to apply to court for an eviction order to get the car removed. Go figure!
It might feel like an act that doesn’t cause harm or inconvenience to anyone when parking on a dropped kerb. But what you have to keep in mind is that these kerbs are there for a reason. They are in place to help wheelchair users access the footway and are also located outside driveways to allow for easier and safer access.
If you park on a dropped kerb, you are not only making life more difficult for others but you could end up with a fine of up to £90. It simply isn’t worth the risk.